Chronic venous insufficiency can cause skin changes, skin ulcers, and is a worsening condition that can significantly decrease the quality of life of those affected by it. In severe cases, it can cause venous stasis dermatitis and skin ulcers.
The veins in the leg are blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart. Under the pressure of gravity, these leg veins must work especially hard to carry the blood back up the body. In the legs, as opposed to other parts of the body, the veins are working against gravity. Any weakness or incompetence of the vein walls or vein valves can lead to backflow and pooling of blood in the legs. Over time, the vein will become large and tortuous, eventually leading to chronic venous insufficiency.
Varicose veins are a common condition that causes the gnarled, enlarged, and often unsightly appearance of the veins in the leg. It is estimated that around 20% of all adults will develop varicose vein at some point in their lives, and around 50% of all people aged 50 and older display the condition. Women have a higher prevalence of developing the disease than men. Varicose veins are not just a cosmetic problem and can occur from chronic venous insufficiency.
Lifestyle Changes for Varicose Vein Prevention
A balanced and healthy diet is always a good idea. The truth is, eating right is good for preventing every health condition out there. A diet that is low in fat and high in antioxidants is good for vein health. It is also good for heart health and prevention of other health conditions. Maintaining a healthy diet will also prevent obesity and further complications on the venous system. This does not mean you have to diet or drastically alter your food consumption. It simply means that maintaining moderation of unhealthy foods and incorporating some healthy foods will be beneficial. High antioxidant foods include fruits and vegetables. Foods with high fiber content are also beneficial for preventing varicose veins. High fiber foods can prevent constipation, which is a condition that may cause varicose veins or make existing varicose veins worse. Examples of high fiber foods are legumes, whole grain foods, and an assortment of fruits and vegetables. Be careful with fruit and vegetable intake, as some individuals with varicose veins also have food allergies that may affect their existing condition.
Regular physical activity improves blood circulation, which is an important part of preventing varicose veins. It makes sense that when our bodies are stronger and healthier, various health problems decrease. In general, exercise is beneficial to the body and the more we can do it, the better off we will be. Try to exercise regularly. Focus on activities that use the legs. These activities are good for stimulating circulation. Walking is one of the xercises. It requires the use of the calf and thigh muscles, which help to push blood up the legs and back to the heart. Swimming is a great exercise too. It is easy on the legs and good for full-body conditioning. Bike riding and running are also good exercises. Weight lifting and low-impact aerobics are good for strengthening the legs. Try not to overdo high-impact activities, such as intense aerobics or intense sports that require running and jumping, since these activities may cause more damage to the veins.
Regular Exercise
Improved circulation results from regular exercise, which can help prevent varicose veins. Exercise will help to maintain your weight and avoid those extra pounds that can increase your risk of varicose veins. If you already have varicose veins, exercising can also help to alleviate some of the symptoms. Focus on activities that work your legs, since these are the areas that are usually affected by varicose veins. Walking is one of the ways to keep your legs in good shape. Try walking at a brisk pace for at least 30 minutes, at least five times a week. This should help to strengthen the calf muscles. Swimming is also beneficial because it works every muscle group in the legs. It is also a good cardiovascular exercise. Other good leg exercises can include bicycling and taking the stairs instead of the elevators. All of these activities will help blood flow to the heart. When muscles contract and relax, they are directly affecting the veins, helping force the blood towards the heart. This is especially beneficial for people who have to sit or stand for long periods at work. Lastly, try not to sit or stand for too many continuous hours. If you have to sit at a desk, try taking a five-minute break to walk around every hour. This should not only help your legs but also your overall concentration and energy levels. I hope today we have convinced you to get out there and get moving for your health!
Healthy Diet
On the other hand, vitamin E is a potent antioxidant that can help to keep the body healthy and maintain optimum blood circulation. Make sure the diet contains a moderate amount of low-fat protein. Moderate alcohol intake can help to improve the blood flow and relax the veins. Wine is especially good as it contains polyphenols which can help to prevent problems with the veins. However, excessive alcohol and high intakes of caffeine and tea should be avoided as these can dehydrate the body and dilate the blood vessels. Finally, water is a key component of a healthy diet, and maintaining an adequate intake will prevent dehydration and help to maintain good blood circulation.
The healthy diet is important for preventing varicose veins as it can help to control weight and avoid placing too much pressure on the veins in the legs. A diet low in fat and high in fiber is best. Reduce the intake of salt as this can cause fluid retention and swelling in the lower legs. Eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables will also help to keep weight under control and the body’s immune system healthy. Bioflavonoid and vitamin C are believed to help keep the veins strong and healthy. Foods such as garlic, onions, blueberries, and strawberries all contain bioflavonoid.
Proper Posture
Prolonged static standing greatly increases venous pressure and is the most consistent lifestyle factor in the progression of new varicose vein disease in men. Try to avoid standing for long periods of time. When standing, try to shift weight from one leg to the other or go up onto the balls of the feet to engage the calf pump and aid in the venous return from the legs. This is effective in reducing the occurrence of varicose veins and is still an easier task than trying to limit prolonged sitting.
The most effective way to inhibit varicose veins through posture is to maintain a neutral position of the pelvis. This limits the pooling of blood in the veins and greatly reduces venous pressure. Avoid sitting or standing with the pelvis rotated forwards or backwards. This removes the added stress from the veins and decreases the occurrence of abnormal vein dilation.
Maintaining proper posture is important in preventing varicose veins. Female gender and pregnancy are predisposing factors that one cannot control; however, postural habits can be modified to aid in the prevention of varicose veins. There are two types of veins in the legs: deep veins and superficial veins. Superficial veins have less supportive tissues than deep veins, so they are more subject to varicose conditions.
Avoiding Prolonged Sitting or Standing
Reading this, you may be thinking that pressures for changes to improve comfort at work are a burden. However, at the same time, you will be preventing varicose veins. You are also reducing risk factors for heart disease and stroke, as the methods to improve circulation to prevent varicose veins are the same for improving general circulation.
When standing in one position, shift your weight from one leg to the other every few minutes to help improve circulation. Any movement where you contract your leg muscles will promote better blood flow. Try to avoid sitting or standing in one position for long periods.
In some cases, you can develop varicose veins from intense pressure and backing up of blood caused by the deep veins clotted with a blood clot. The blood then finds an alternative deeper route to the heart by passing through veins that are not as efficient as pumping blood against the force of gravity. This often leads to an increase in varicose veins, so to prevent this, walk to help the blood find its natural course.
Sitting and standing for long periods can reduce blood circulation. If your job requires long periods of sitting or standing, take frequent breaks to stretch and move around. When sitting, avoid crossing your legs. This can impair blood circulation. Try to elevate your legs when sitting or lying down and if possible, prop your legs up on a stool or pillow so that your legs are above the level of your heart. Avoid sitting with your legs bent for long periods. A 20-30 minute walk can help increase circulation. This helps the calf muscles pump blood to the heart.
Risk Reduction Strategies
Take small breaks every hour for about five minutes and stretch your body to improve blood flow in your legs. Massage both legs, starting from your feet and ending at your thighs. This is a simple method that doesn’t require much time or energy, so it can be done anywhere, anytime. This massage will instantly increase blood flow to your legs and make you feel more refreshed.
Weight management: Avoid standing and sitting for long periods of time. This is a common health recommendation for everything. Standing and sitting for long periods of time can affect the veins in your feet. By avoiding these activities, you can help prevent varicose veins from worsening and reduce the development of new ones. This can be challenging for those who work most of the time, so it requires discipline since your work can impact the health of your legs.
Avoiding tight clothing, such as girdles or belts, can restrict blood flow to the veins. Avoid high-heeled shoes and change positions often to improve blood circulation in your legs. This should be done for about one and a half hours a day and it slows the progression of varicose veins and can prevent pain.
Elevating the legs using pillows and lying down helps to drain blood from your leg veins and alleviate strain on overworked veins. This is one of the best ways to reduce the symptoms of varicose veins. It should be done three to four times a day for about 15 minutes each time.
Compression stockings: Tension in the veins can lead to varicose veins and health problems. Wearing graduated compression stockings will improve blood flow in your legs and help relieve the symptoms of varicose veins. The stockings apply pressure to the veins, causing the blood to flow more freely. There are different brands and types of stockings with varying levels of pressure. Ask your doctor for recommendations.
Compression Stockings
Compression stockings, also known as support stockings, are specialized stockings that compress the veins in the leg. This compression reduces the diameter of distended veins and increases venous blood flow velocity and valve effectiveness. Wearing compression stockings has been reported to help reduce the appearance of varicose veins and prevent the condition from worsening. These stockings can also slow the progression of veins that may require surgical treatment. While they may not eliminate the need for invasive treatment, compression stockings can provide symptomatic relief by increasing venous blood flow, reducing leg tiredness, improving skin tissue, and decreasing the likelihood of leg ulcers. However, not all patients find the aesthetic aspect of compression stockings appealing. Over the years, stockings have become more aesthetically pleasing, with transparent, patterned, and various colors available for patients of all ages and genders. It is important for patients to choose a style that is most beneficial for their condition. Compression stockings come in different pressures, and your doctor will determine the most suitable pressure for your condition. It is recommended to have stockings professionally fitted by a fitter trained in compression therapy. Different companies use various methods to obtain measurements for stockings, but the most accurate method is to measure girth lengths (ankle, calf, knee) in the morning when the legs are least swollen. Length measurements ensure that the stocking is the right size. A trained fitter can find a stocking that meets an individual’s needs as closely as possible. A well-fitted stocking that provides the right amount of compression is comfortable and easy to wear. Stockings should be replaced every 3-6 months, depending on frequency of use and care.
Elevating Legs
Since varicose veins result from increased pressure in the veins of the legs, the best way to prevent new varicose veins and to halt the progression of venous disease is to reduce the pressure in the veins of the legs. One of the simplest things you can do to help alleviate your symptoms is to elevate your legs above the level of your heart for 15 minutes every 2 hours. Although this may sound very simple, it is often difficult to do because of people’s busy lives, and often it is uncomfortable at first because of the swelling. If you do have discomfort while elevating your legs, it is a sign that your varicose veins are a more serious problem, and you should consult a physician about endovenous ablation and other treatment methods. When your legs are elevated, it is a great time to practice deep breathing relaxation techniques. This can also help to reduce the “stress response” in your body that is causing your veins to be overfilled with blood and to dilate. By reducing the pressure in your veins and increasing the strength of the surrounding muscles, you are allowing the blood to be pushed out of the veins and back to the heart in a more efficient manner. The simple law of gravity shows that the higher your feet are above your heart, the easier it is on your heart to pump the blood out of your legs. With regular periods of leg elevation, you may notice a significant decrease in leg swelling and an increase in overall energy.
Avoiding Tight Clothing
If diagnosed with venous disease, it is extra important to avoid tight clothing as it can exacerbate the condition and lead to further complications such as leg ulcers. You can prevent varicose veins from developing and stop the existing ones from getting worse by not wearing tight clothes. As compression stockings are tight by nature, there are alternative treatments for people who don’t wish to compromise tight clothing, for example, endothermal ablation, ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy. However, it should be noted that these treatments do not eliminate the cause of the varicose veins, and it is still necessary to wear compression stockings or avoid tight clothing to prevent recurrence.
Tight clothes, especially those that are tight around your waist, groin (upper thighs), or legs, can, when worn over long periods, affect circulation. Tight clothes can cause blood to ‘pool’ in the lower legs, and this, in turn, can contribute to the development of varicose veins. Blood pools in the vein when it can’t get past a tight portion and leaks to surrounding tissue. This leakage of blood to tissue can cause a buildup of fatty tissue in between the cell spaces, and when this fatty tissue hardens, it forms the basis for the development of a varicose vein.
Weight Management
A low-calorie diet is difficult to define as each person has different requirements and dietary needs. It may be beneficial for some individuals to see a dietitian to get a personal plan, but most people can lose weight simply by reducing portion sizes, avoiding high-calorie snacks and takeaways, and increasing the consumption of fruit and vegetables. Regular physical activity is also important. Research has shown that it does not matter what type of exercise is done, as all physical activity can help to reduce weight and improve the strength and efficiency of the calf muscle pump. In fact, even walking has been shown to be beneficial for vein health. However, those who are able to incorporate new and more vigorous exercises are likely to see further benefits, such as reduced inflammation and improved blood flow in the legs.
Studies have shown that individuals who are obese double their risk of developing varicose veins, and that women who have a higher BMI are more likely to develop the condition. This is due to the fact that obesity puts added pressure on blood vessels. It is important for overweight people to lose weight, and the most effective way to do this is by combining a low-calorie diet with increased physical activity. Dieting alone has been shown to improve vein health. According to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), obese individuals who lost weight without any type of increased physical activity did not improve their vein health, and in some cases, the symptoms got worse. Thus, the combination of diet and exercise is the most effective way of losing weight and improving vein health.
Taking Breaks and Stretching
Utilizing a chair or stool, individuals are recommended to sit with raised legs at a 150°-160° angle. To do this, sit on the edge of a chair and lay back, bringing the legs up so that the heel of the foot is in contact with the seat of the chair. Remain in this position for 5 minutes. This position has been attributed to reducing the symptoms of venous insufficiency better than lying on the back with legs up against the wall. Participation in a regular low-impact exercise program, such as walking or swimming, is useful to take breaks and stretch throughout the day’s activities. 10-30 minutes a day of leg exercises is recommended to maintain both calf muscle and overall health. Low-impact exercises that use calf muscle contraction are the primary recommendation for exercise regimens. These types of exercises differ from high-impact exercises in their promotion of a strong calf muscle without the sudden overloading of weight bearing onto the legs. High-impact sports that involve sudden starts, stops, and changes in direction are to be avoided since they have been tied to acceleration of varicose vein formation. The theory is that more contractions and relaxation motions of the calf muscle act as a natural pump for the veins in the legs and can aid in pushing blood towards the heart. This will reduce blood pooling and lower the pressure on the veins in the standing position. Exercise and the recommended leg elevation should be avoided during the heat of the day or in hot climates since this dilates blood vessels and can increase the symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency step-wise.